Monday 15 February 2010

Debugging Horse With Ease - Teach Your Horse to accept worming - Part 1

My horse is happy, the door to see you, then he spots the tube wormer and is preparing for battle. When they finally take him and you get the rope to start worming. If you're lucky, most of Wormer, not only at the end in the mouth instead of his shirt, but will remain there and, ultimately, not on the floor. In bad, you usually have to break your feet and a shower, get the wormer from the hair. If this is the distance then I knowA number of lessons that will help you in this simple procedure can have.

Over the years there have been many products designed to help this process. E 'deworm the horse be with his grain fed daily to enhance the attractiveness of the different variants of wormers pastes and gels, the horse, and also "wormed halter" ensure the aid is all the mass in the horses mouth and not in right so that you have left. Now you can learn to accept your horseinsert.

We do not know, start with the goal, because this is the quickest way to get in a wreck, as we will confirm your toes. We start with a basic course that teaches your horse to accept the position of the head in the right wormer and leave it there until we ask him to move and share it. You can use a halter and reins for this lesson and can do about an enclosed space. It 'a good exercise to work on the stable if you do not go on like this, that even outside.

Begin standing order on the left sideSide of the horse and put his right hand on the survey between the ears with his fingers and his left hand as to where is the noseband of the halter. The first thing that will teach the horse with the head of the pressure on his poll, lowering the pressure of light with his right hand. Release the pressure until you hang your head even seen a quarter inch. Do not add the pressure when it raises its head. If he throws too high to reach by hand, then use the lead rope or pure pursuit andthe same pressure. Remember, the release of pressure when the head goes in the direction towards the bottom, no matter how high it was and how little is going down. We have in mind, we teach the horse to lower his head, not keep it to where we started. Make sure your horse for any hypothesis correct, both with a massage or praise the promotion of the vote.

If the horse with his head every time you exert pressure is lower and can be reduced and you are ready to teach the horse to hisHead around the side. First, the horse's head leads to a comfortable height with your right hand. Now, with the left hand exert pressure on the side of his nose to the point where the goalie was noseband than we would like to pull his head in front of him, but no go. Only pressure and wait for him to bring the pressure head to the side of you. Let your right hand on the survey and apply pressure when the horse raises his headDuring this part of the lesson. Always head to the right height to ask if he put on the page. If the horse raises his head, he tells you who is insecure and tense. A good rule is to return to class until you find the right answer then to get the right answer to build. Again, let the pressure when the horse moves away from the praise and the horse. If the horse is from two to lower the head and put it in front of you, we will beginTo leave the teaching of the horse with his head where to place it.

Bring the horses' heads in the right position under pressure and release. Press the head, once in the right position. Wants to bring it back so that if he does not just restore it again. Count how long to leave the party and try to build at this time in small steps. If your horse to leave the head on one side for a minute, from a brass face a bit 'at a time. Take the horse to hisThe head back to the front if he is good. Can sore neck of the horse in order to side with him as long pauses to switch sides, and practical lessons on the same side. Rub the cheeks, nose, mouth, etc. and if he disagrees with the rub sides of the mouth, where the wormer will be comfortable.

Use extreme caution when working around the horse's mouth that does not take place the finger, where they are easily bitten. There is a gap between theIncisors and molars has no teeth. It 'also the location of the bit. This is the only place where you should put your fingers in his mouth in reality their horses. "If you decide to try the horse, spitting on your finger / hand with the language. Can you extreme caution not to pull your finger / hand between his teeth, can bite unintentionally.

Place your right arm under the horse's head and bring your right hand instead of his left hand on the bridge wereNose of the horse. Now, with the left hand, gently rub the inside of the lips and was lifting the lip of a half with the right side, rub the outside of his bar and rubber, until it is comfortable. Take small steps, and if there are a lot of resistance back to a point where the horse is comfortable and we start again at this point and move slowly to meet us.

If the horse with a finger to move to two, then three comfortable and so on, until the horse will allow you to place yourwhole hand in her mouth to his bar, stay relaxed and calm. Your horse should be possible, her language to the side of the mouth, keep them well. If your hand from the bar in his mouth, he will try to spit, take care with your tongue and pull it onto the page.

Now we have taught the horse to accept to work around and in the mouth, and we are ready to introduce tools for deworming. We start with an empty syringe Wormer. Bring the horses' heads in the right positionin front of you and take the empty syringe and starts rubbing the horse's face, mouth and lips. If you opt for the quiet, wipe the needle on the inside of the lips, where they will be used later. When the horse with the remainder of the syringe into the horse's mouth, as if he wanted to administer the wormer and press the plunger. Take Wormer accept this until the horse is empty.

Search Now replace a paste that is your horse, like syrup, apple juice,Baby food, etc., a small amount into the syringe and administer to the horse wormer place. Do this every day until the horse is eager to Wormer. Now we are ready to make a move fast, too. Take your Wormer and without hesitation to administer to the horse. Later that day, replacing it again with the dose, he wants. If you hesitate, until he is calm again and manage to the substitute, until he sees time again. The next time you're ready to worm him, go toWormer and manage it with hesitation.

Tool Schism


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